Enter Spain 2021

On the train to Adventure…

Hello! I am in a Beer Garden here in the heart of Catalonia. Located in a small town named Benicassim. I am having the time of my life.

I started travelling on Tuesday and I essentially finished traveling on Thursday. I think I lost my Wednesday somewhere over the North Atlantic. I blame the iceberg that sank the Titanic. It’s pretty wild.

I do not mind this whatsoever.

I keep on harping at this… I know… but Travel to me is one of the things that lights up everything I am. I feel truly alive when I do it. So traveling from Portland to Los Angeles to Munich to Barcelona and then to Benicassim. Chef’s kiss. Yeah… I might be a tad bit tired but come on… there’s a thing called a travel high and I have it in spades right now.

I know you may want to sleep on a plane… but sometimes… just take a look outside.

So… I have travelled by planes, trains and automobiles. Call up Steve Martin because I got a movie to pitch to him. Where I am at right now is the VERY DEFINITION of a Defiant Hop. Off the beaten path in another country where English is not the dominant language… drinking some Craft Beer. It’s something I have been working towards ever since I started writing over three months ago… and here we are. What the Pandemic has really taught me is that happiness really matters and that time continues to move on regardless of the events that are still plaguing us to this day.

ANYWHO. I am currently having some tapas and some beer at this place called Cerveceria Gambrinus. Excellent croquettes and black sausage. I honestly haven’t eaten/drank anything since this morning where I had some basic cereal at the capsule hotel I stayed at near Barcelona’s airport. So this place has basically saved my life. I am very much looking forward to seeing what Catalonia has to offer. It will be my first time in this particular part of Spain. Back in 2019 I did hit up four Spanish cities but come on… there is always more to explore. I will be visiting a friend while I am here and then I will be heading to the north side of Spain near the French border to Donostia-San Sebastian. There is an incredible brewery up there called Basqueland Brewing and guess who will be sitting down and talking with them? This guy. So make sure to look forward to that as well!

I will then swing back down to Barcelona at the end of my trip and check in on some of my favorite places and see how they have been fairing this Pandemic and also check out some new places. I purposefully chose to close out this two week trip on a weekend in Barcelona to really get a feel for the pulse of this amazing city. I know you really want to be hitting the town with me… but I will make sure to get it all down so even though it might not be the same. You can still get the next best thing.

A little bit of a tease for the future… Stay tuned!

So be prepared. I will be hopping around Spain quite defiantly and bringing all the Travel & Craft Beer news that you could ever possibly want.





Advice for First Time Craft Beer Drinkers