
It’s Amazing!

If you don’t know what the word ‘Almuerzo’ is… I feel true pity for you. This is a concept in Spain that I feel would change the world for the better. It is the key to world peace and I think by the time you finish reading this article… you will surely come to see the truth and agree with me.

So… what is Almuerzo? Well… according to my friend who lives here in Spain… it is a social event that takes place when working which allows friends to commiserate and reconnect through the process of eating, enjoying and the sharing of food and drink. You may just say… sure… “That is called Lunch, Brandon” but I would say… hold your horses. There’s more.

Almuerzo is a way of life. It is a way of living. Can I build this up any further for you without telling you more? Absolutely. I will take pity on you and get to actual details. Almuerzo usually consists of having a beer or some kind of alcoholic beverage and a sandwich of some kind. You will normally have olives and collaret cocoas(a kind of nut) served to you as a snack for the table while the meal is being prepared. Again… you might say… Brandon… I’m about to close this article because... that is just Brunch. And I would say again… just give me the rest of the article and you will feel better about life.

Spain has a really great understanding of work/life balance. Almuerzo can start as early as you want it and you can even take it well into the afternoon. This happens nearly anytime during the week but is notably done when the work day is still going. Think of it… Almuerzo actively takes the stress and pressure out of work because you get to hang out with friends or co-workers and take it easy while the work day proceeds. This isn’t just a special occasion either. It’s just a part of living in Spain. It's beautiful. 

Pretty metal for a Spanish countryside bar, eh?

I went to Almuerzo with a friend who lives in Spain and she recommended that we head to the best place in the area for it called La Gaspara. I can’t think of a better place to have experienced it. This was the ultimate local’s spot. Not a bit of English was spoken… so be prepared to speak Spanish or have an awesome friend who speaks the language. This place also had a fun and unusual ‘Rock & Roll’ vibe going on that I was not prepared to find here in the countryside of Spain. I was digging it. We arrived close to 11am in the morning and there were already a few people already enjoying their Almuerzo. 

We settled on sitting in the back patio area since the sun was out and started looking at our options. I almost immediately defer to my friend on what I should order. Who better to ask than a person who knows how to have a perfect Almuerzo? Since I am writing about Craft Beer… I do have to address something that I am about to tell you. I have a personal belief that there is a time and a place for everything. ‘When in Rome.’ That short phrase should tell you everything but I will expand. There are different beers for every occasion, place and time. Some people might put their nose in the air and refuse to drink ‘Big Beer’ but if it is something that is integral to an experience… I will go with the crowd. Now that that is out of the way… we ordered some San Miguel Especial. It was nothing outstanding but it fit the mood perfectly. A classic Spanish beer for a classic Spanish tradition.

We soon ordered some sandwiches and then proceeded to enjoy the amazing view of the Spanish countryside from our seats. It was a quite beautiful day to be enjoying Almuerzo and especially so because there was a possibility of rain in the weather. We quickly got our sandwiches and dug in. I got an excellent large sandwich with extremely fresh pork and tomato on it. I was then instructed to probably add some garlic aioli onto it… which I most certainly did. The Spanish love garlic aioli… it's everywhere! If there was something small that America could adopt from Spain… I wish it was that.


Another staple of Almuerzo is Carajillo. This is a very unique drink in which the meal typically ends with. It is made with rum that has sugar, a small bit of lemon rind and a few coffee beans. This is then burnt and coffee is added. This can sometimes be a jarringly sweet drink. I have never had anything like this but man oh man… was it tasty. 

I will say that I was in the Castillon region and so there will be regional differences that pop up when having Almuerzo in Spain or elsewhere. Overall… you should ABSOLUTELY try Almuerzo. Whether that be in Spain or anywhere in the world. It is a great way to connect with friends, family or coworkers. Life is meant for living after all and it is nice to be in a culture that really embodies that and has shaped life around it.



The Sum Of My Trip


Enter Spain 2021