What Does Craft Beer Mean To You?

This question was a fun one to ask people when I was over in Europe. I got many responses and some people made me laugh out loud with their answers. Let’s dive in.

So you are traveling Europe by yourself and you just happen to be a Craft Beer Writer… you know what's a great way to break the ice with strangers? Asking them if you can ask them a question for an article. It works pretty much every time. The only hiccup was asking them if I could quote them… but that was the only awkward thing. It all worked out.

So… what did these Europeans have to say? Let's dive in.

I was up in Donostia-San Sebastián when I first started inquiring and I think I got my favorite answer of all time.

“Not Much.”

I was so taken aback that I started laughing when I heard the guy say it. We were at a great place called Basqueland Izakaia where they have excellent Craft Beers on tap and this gentleman lived just around the block. And it seems he was just here because it was the closest place that served beer. Which is very fair. You don’t have to love Craft Beer to enjoy a bar that serves everything. To each their own. But I did try to ask him to expound on his answer. Sadly… he wasn’t very forthcoming. I decided to take the little bit of gold that he gave me and moved on.

“I love everything on tap but the ones with the hops.”

Not exactly what I was looking for… but a fair answer if I’ve ever heard one. Sometimes Craft Beer can get into the weeds… which I very much like… but I can understand how other people might want a good solid clean Lager/Pilsner. Nothing wrong with that.

“I love everything about this beer bar except for the beer.”

This might be another one of my favorites. I did get permission to quote him and this gentleman’s name was Billy. He was a very nice fellow who actually was having a birthday on Thanksgiving! Of course in Spain…  they don’t really celebrate that holiday but it was nice to celebrate something on that day. He even passed around an Armagnac that was made when he was born. It was quite tasty and I was very grateful to have been able to be a part of his birthday celebration. Billy also lives very close to the bar and besides his disinterest in Craft Beer… he just really enjoys the bar’s atmosphere and people. He was drinking wine when I asked him this and it seems that he is a regular and knows the staff of the bar really well. Cheers to you Billy.

“One of those pleasures. Don’t leave it behind.”

This great quote comes from a great guy from Basqueland Brewing… Goren. I really dig this answer because it really resonates with me. There is a poetic romantic ring to it and I’m all about it. Craft Beer is literally about bringing the beer brewing process to the next level. Making what can sometimes be mundane and ordinary… into something that is refined and extraordinary. You may have your Bud Lights and Coors… but then you also have barrel-aged beers and more… that border on alchemy. This answer was a great one to hear and I am glad I asked Goren this question. My thanks sir.

“I don’t like beer so much. I prefer Vodka.”

I really wasn’t anticipating this answer. I had just braved a very intense rain storm with winds up to 20 mph to get to this Craft Beer bar called Mala Gissona where I found myself at the bar asking the bartender this question. You would think that the person working at a Craft Beer bar might actually like what he is serving… but I guess the old adage really comes into play here. When you assume… and I think you know the rest of that line. I had to know more and so I asked the bartender, whose name is Nikita, why he doesn’t like beer. He just told me that he is from Russia and kinda just shrugged his shoulders. I said that is fair. 

“Tasting your local unique styles and enjoying the beer with your friends. Having the same style of beer and enjoying it while drinking it together.”

This one I really get. Drinking is usually and historically a very communal act. There is something to be said about gaining perspective on drinking the same beverage with all your friends. Who knows whose palette can taste something that you don’t? I've had someone pick out a flavor note in a beer that I didn’t taste until they had said it. It's kind of fun. This one comes from anonymous in Bilbao.

“It’s just another beer. It doesn’t change anything.”

I asked this question to an older gentleman at the Garage Brewing Collab party in Barcelona. He had just had his first sour beer ever and it seems he wasn’t very impressed. You can’t win them all. I’m still glad that he did give the sour a chance… isn’t that all that matters?

“A kind of beer that is made with love.”

This is a perfect one to end this article on. I agree with this statement absolutely. Sometimes big beer can get very corporate and they just pump out their product without a care. Craft Beer at its best actually takes the time with each and every beer they make. Whether it be creating new recipes from scratch or making the beer with blood, sweat and tears. Passion and love for what you create and share with your consumer can be a very strong motivation for the average drinker to really want to try your beer. 

With that my friends… Adieu.


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