Firenze Forever

There was a rare water fountain behind this guy…

Florence was one of the cities on the trip where we only stayed there for around two and a half days. It was beautiful and I would very much go back to spend more time there and especially hit the countryside.

For our last full day in the city we hit up several churches with one that was designed by none other than Michelangelo himself! Running into stuff like that really hit home that the infamous Renaissance man lived here over 500 years ago. I do love me some History.

For Lunch we really went for the best: Ristorante Pizzeria Canto De' Nelli. This place has the weirdest hours. They open whenever they feel like it. It's always a crapshoot about showing up and seeing if they are open or not. Fortunately… we got lucky! The menu was the best… it was just this one at the door and no other menus at the tables at all. You just gotta know what you want. They did have some Beef Stew that everyone around us got... that we did not get… and I’m still a little jealous to this day.

Just don’t get the Florentine Steak…

Museums are part and parcel of exploring a new city and we certainly did that. There were a surprising amount of Egyptian artifacts at the museum we went to. It's just a reminder of this city’s storied and infamous pastime. They were quite the powerhouse back in the day.

As much as I like museums… you do hit a fatigue point sadly. “Oh wow… another two thousand year old mummy… amaaaaaaaaaaazing.” I’m always really frustrated when it kicks in because I KNOW how amazing everything around me is… so I always play a game. What's the most interesting thing for me? Trust me… it's extremely subjective… but it's the only way I can really rally and keep pushing through the exhibits. Vacation is so hard, amirite?

The Piazzale Michelangelo. Well worth the trek.

Trekking south of the city we hiked up a hill and was greeted with this amazing view of the city. While running up the stairs I might’ve been playing ‘Eye of the Tiger’… just to push me for the last flight of stairs. An extremely American thing to do but I would do it again. It was a pretty tall hill! The view was absolutely worth it.

The most pano worthy view if I’ve ever seen one.

After a few full days of really pounding the pavement… our dogs were barking and we decided to take it easy for the evening. Which led to us posting up at an extremely small yet fun restaurant. This place exemplifies what I love and always miss about Europe. A giant deli in the front with all the meats and cheeses you could ever possibly want. Then they have pre-made sandwiches and baked goods that will always make my mouth water. We got a bottle of a Supertoscano wine… which blew me away. I know I’m a beer guy but there is always a time and a place to try anything. This place demanded we try the wine and I am very glad we did. Situated not that far from their main bar was a Water tap! We could actually refill our water bottles and drink as much water as we wanted while we were there! This MIGHT not sound like a big deal… but it was. There are no water fountains basically anywhere and to be able to sit down at this very small restaurant and chill… was a life saver. Thank you La Prosciutteria Firenze.

That was the end of our time in Firenze.

We would then hop on a pretty long train ride and head to our next stop… Munich. Get this… it would be Oktoberfest.

Get ready for some wild and crazy tales!!!



The Perfect Beer Bar
